Friday, August 28, 2015

We're Baaaaaaaaack!

Hello?  Anyone still out there???  I wouldn't be surprised if all I heard in response was an echo, echo, echo, echo....

We've been MIA.  Big time.  There have been soooo many times over the past few months that I've wanted to blog, but I just couldn't find the time!  A LOT has happened:

Emily Turned 1!
We had a big party for her!
We've taken a few trips out of town
Emily was sick for several days
thanks to the Coxsackie virus :(
And she also got several new teeth!
(including molars.... ouchie!)

All in all it's been a b-u-s-y summer.  Between a super-active toddler, work caving in on me, personal & family commitments up the wazoo, I've totally dropped the blogging ball.  The truth is though, I really miss it!!!!  So, I'm making an attempt to get back in the saddle!

I started this blog for a few different reasons, one of which was to document our little one's life.  And the quicker the days speed by, the more important it is for me to try to capture some of these ever-fleeting moments.  I'd prefer to be able to "pause" time at will, but in the absence of that superpower, the next best thing is to collect bits and pieces of this crazy ride called life.

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