Saturday, January 24, 2015

34 Weeks Young!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

January 15, 2014 -- Yes I'm over a week late, but better late than never!  Let's just pretend it's still mid-January, shall we??  ;)

The past week was a bit rough.  Both Emily and Mommy have been sick -- 100.4 fevers + stuffy noses + sore throats = not a lot of sleep going on.  In fact, I'm pretty sure that lack of sleep is how Mommy got sick to begin with.  ;)  It all started over the weekend, when Emily had a low grade fever and would not sleep at all in the middle of the night unless she was being held.  I thought she was getting another tooth.  Saturday night was tough.  Sunday night just as tough.  I sat up in the chair in our room holding her from 2am onward both nights.  Then when I woke up with a fever on Monday morning, I realized the weekend’s fever and fussiness wasn’t teething after all.  Luckily, Daddy made it through unscathed and was able to help take care of Mommy & Emily.  :)  By Tuesday & Wednesday nights though, Emily was feeling better and was back to falling asleep like a good girl for bed time and waking up only twice in the night to eat quick and then back to sleep {her normal schedule}.  Mommy was still sick though.  All the stress about Mommy's first day at work was for naught -- I had to call out sick my entire first week!  It's no secret that I wanted more time home with my Emily, but that wasn't exactly what I had in mind.  ;)

Speaking of sleeping, 2 small sleep-related miracles occurred in this house over the past week.  First, last week there was a small stove fire in our apartment building, which thankfully was put out quickly before any injuries or damage were sustained.  However, for some reason neither the building staff nor the fire department could turn the alarm off, which very loudly sounded in our unit for over 30 minutes -- and Emily slept through the whole thing!!!!  I could NOT believe it.  The second crazy sleep experience occurred when she woke up after I laid her down in her crib for the night {which would usually be baaaaaad news} and then sat up and laid down 3-4 times in a row and then she laid down AND WENT BACK TO SLEEP!!  I nearly fainted from the shock as I watched on the monitor.  Fingers crossed that her sleeping skills are finally headed in the right direction!

At 34 weeks young, Emily is using her crawling abilities to venture out off her play mat.  Today, she made it as far as the bar stools!  She also "walked" the entire length of the couch while holding on to the cushions.  This girl is getting more mobile by the minute!  She also has discovered lots of new ways to get intro trouble.... time to do some serious babyproofing!

Occasionally, she will still sit on her play mat, playing with all the wonderful toys she got for Christmas:

This week Emily tried apples for the first time {mixed in with carrots}.  She also tried meat for the first time -- turkey with veggies puree, and LOVED it!  And of course there's her thumb.... which she occasionally attempts to nibble on through her shirt...

Happy 34 Weeks To Emily!

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