Sunday, May 18, 2014

39 Weeks!

. . . and still in one piece!  For now.  ;)

Source: The Bump
Coincidentally, we saw a watermelon in Target today!  So of course Shep picked it up and we had to snap a photo.  Yeah, we're that weird couple.

See the resemblance?

It's just about the same size!

This may very well be my last week of pregnancy, and the not knowing is hard to handle!  All day Thursday I had a really weird really nervous feeling.  I couldn't even sit down and watch TV like a couch potato, despite numerous attempts!  I was pacing around and felt like I was going to jump out of my skin with suspense!  It felt like one of those thriller movies where the girl walks down a dark hallway with creepy music playing and a boogeyman jumps out from around the corner.  Except there was no music, and instead of a boogeyman we're expecting a really cute cuddly baby to make an appearance.  But you get the point.  ;)  I felt like I could have just screamed out loud, and I almost did!  I felt like I was walking around on egg shells all day!  I mean, I'm still nervous about the whole labor and delivery thing, but Thursday I felt like I was going to BURST.  Good thing that overwhelming fear has subsided a bit.  Don't get me wrong... I'm definitely looking forward to meeting this little guy or girl, I'm just not in any rush to do so!

No contractions so far {that I can feel anyway}!  I've had a little heartburn, and some more pelvic pressure though.  Since Thursday I've been really sluggish and tired every day, even though I've actually been sleeping pretty well these last few nights, surprisingly!  I haven't had the "nesting" burst of energy that I've read so much about though, so maybe it's not yet time.  Or maybe I won't get it?  It's anybody's guess really!


  1. I just love that watermelon picture. So funny! You're right, just about the right size too! I simply cannot wait for little one to arrive. Don't fret about knowing when - your body should give you plenty of notice before it is time. I am so excited for you!

    1. *Should* is the key word there.... I really hope I have plenty of notice to get to the hospital in time and not have to be stuck in traffic like a crazy person! Everyone keeps wishing me a "speedy" labor, but I don't want it to be too speedy! ;)

  2. Yay for 39 weeks! That watermelon pic is hilarious :) And, you are looking great for 39 weeks pregnant! Really glad to hear that you are feeling good (despite the nerves getting to you....that's probably normal, lol!). Just keep taking it one day at a time -- that's what I've been telling myself, and it seems to help (so far!). Won't be long now, I'm so happy for you!

    1. Thanks, Allie! One day at a time is exactly what I'm trying to do... well, really more like one HOUR at a time. ;)

  3. You look adorable Nicole! Not long to go now!! so excited for you! x

  4. I can't get over how great you look! It's almost baby time!! I am SO excited for you and will be checking your page daily so make sure you update :-)


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