Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy 1st Birthday, Emily!

{This post is sooooooo late! But I have an excuse... I have a one year old -- gulp -- to chase after!}

We did it!  We all made it through Emily's first year!!!!  I'm not sure whether we should be more excited that we survived her first year, or that she survived our first year as parents!  Either way, celebration is in order!!!!!

Here are some photos of the little munchkin on her 1st birthday!

To celebrate her big day, we all went to the Central Park Zoo!  Emily's favorite part was the petting zoo, where she was practically pushing her way through the fence to get to the sheep and goats.

After dinner, we sang to Emily before we all enjoyed a special birthday cupcake.

She wasn't sure quite what to make of it at first.  She kind of poked her finger into the icing and slid it around her tray.  She put it in her hair, which she always does with food, and then at some point she got some of the icing into her mouth accidentally and that first sugar rush didn't look like a very happy occurrence.

Emily was sweet enough to share her birthday cupcake with Mommy & Daddy!

All About Emily:

  • 22.5 lbs, 30 inches long, 45.5 cm head size
  • Wears size 4 diapers, size 12 months footies and a mix of 9-12 months clothes.  She's also started wearing shoes more frequently since she's walking around!
  • Speaking of walking, she is a pro!  She's more steady and now much prefers walking to crawling in order to transport herself.
  • Loves: reading books, playing hide-and-seek, being tickled, going outside for walks and to the park, listening to music, laughing, cuddles, going on swings, remotes, phones, climbing on things, looking out the window, putting feet up to relax, pushing high chair & walker around the house, yelling, swimming, tupperware & empty bottles
  • Crawls, points, walks, dances, laughs, waves, wrinkles nose, blows raspberries, tosses toys and other objects all the time - especially from her high chair.
  • Eats apples, bananas, grapes, oranges & yogurt {in addition to her oatmeal and purees}
  • Likes feeding herself!
  • Has a great sense of humor, and loves being silly and laughing out loud!
  • Gives hugs and when I ask her for kisses she opens her mouth to try to bite me.
HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY, BABY EMILY!!!!!!!!!!  You bring soooooooo much joy to everyone who knows you.  Thank you seems so insufficient, but I want to thank you -- for changing our lives for the better, for teaching me what unconditional love really is, for giving me the opportunity to see the world through your beautiful flue eyes, and for all the wonderful memories we've already created together!!  I cannot wait to see what the next year brings!!!!!!  Sto lat!!!

P.S. -- I love this video that Pampers Japan produced last year, and I thought now was fitting time to share it!  

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