Tuesday, October 22, 2013

9 weeks

I am currently 9 weeks and 2 days pregnant.  Our little fetus {we graduated from embryo to fetus on Sunday!} is currently the size of a green olive.  65 days down, and only 215 more to go...
Source: The Bump
My current estimated delivery date is May 25, 2014.  That's 2 days after our 5th wedding anniversary and 5 months after my previous EDD.  {I'm trying not to be superstitious about having another EDD of the 25th, but I will admit it was a bit unnerving when I first calculated the date based on my last period.}

I'm over 20% of the way there, and 75% through my first trimester.  That's a milestone I'm really praying to cross with flying colors this time around.  Since my last pregnancy ended in miscarriage at nearly 11 weeks after seeing a healthy heartbeat, I am feeling especially anxious about the next couple weeks.  I know worrying isn't going to help me or the little olive, so I am doing everything I can to keep my mind busy and to stay positive.  I've been repeating to myself that "most pregnancies end with healthy babies" -- I saw that on a message board somewhere and have adopted it as my mantra for the foreseeable future.

Last Wednesday, we heard the baby's heartbeat and saw it's little body for the first time.  According to the sonogram tech and my OB, everything looked good.  Hearing the swishing sound of the heartbeat was a welcome treat, and of course we got to take home a couple photos of the little one.

I am taking this pregnancy one day at a time, and today I'm hopeful for many more tomorrows of witnessing our little one continuing to grow.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Positive News

First of all, I'm sorry I've been MIA for the past few weeks.  The reason is because I've been hesitant to actually write this down anywhere.  I've only said it out loud a couple times.  But they say a picture is worth a thousand words so here goes . . .

I'm pregnant!

I'm so very happy we have a second chance at a miracle, and I'm really trying to think positive thoughts.  But if I'm being honest, the truth is I'm also incredibly scared.  I'm definitely more nervous this time around than I was last time because I know how seemingly harmless statistics can turn against you in the blink of an eye.  But when it comes down to it, my desire to create a family with my loving husband exceeds the fear I feel of failing again.  So, like the adorable Natalie who was scared to start kindergarten but proclaimed nonetheless: "I'll be bwave."  I will be brave.  It's as simple as that.

To My Fellow Miscarriage/Loss Readers:  I know you have suffered and faced your own pregnancy losses, and I hope this news doesn't hurt you in any way.  Please know that I am so grateful for all your support thus far, and am hoping with all I have that each and every one of you gets your own happy news and healthy baby to take home very soon!
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