Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hurry Up and Wait

As of yesterday afternoon, I'm 80% effaced and 1 cm dilated.  Baby's head is at Station 0.  Labor could begin any day, or it could still be a couple weeks away.  I'm an information kind of person.  I need data, and lots of it -- the more, the better.  It makes me feel informed; helps me to know what to expect.  The funny thing about this information though, is it doesn't really mean anything!  Women have gone from 0 cm to 9 cm dilated in hours, while some women walk around 2 or 3 cm dilates for weeks.  It's a good sign that my body is starting to prepare for labor, but yet still there is no telling where or when it will be "show time"!  It could be tonight, tomorrow, or early June.  Talk about suspenseful!  ;)

I recently came across this blog post, which I thought was an interesting description of the last days or weeks of pregnancy:

The Last Days of Pregnancy: A Place of In-Between

While I can definitely relate to the painful pelvis, squished bladder and swollen ankles, I don't really feel "irrelevant".  I mean, now that almost everything on our to-do list is complete, and I'm in my third week of maternity leave, it's kind of odd sitting around just waiting to go into labor.  But I so appreciate this quiet time, and I'm so lucky to have a job that offers me this "waiting time" maternity leave.  I know I will not have this much time to myself for a very, very long while, if ever again.  :)  I savor each 20-minute shower I take each day.  And staying in bed in the morning after Shep has gone to work for the day.  Sure, it gets a little boring at times, but I won't complain.  In fact, I think it's good for me.  This afternoon I felt especially tired, and I'm thankful I get to be lazy on the couch when I need to be.  I'm trying to get in as much R&R as possible, while I still have the chance!


  1. Getting close now!! So excited for you! Glad you're resting up before the big day (whenever that will be, lol!) You're doing great, keep us posted! :)

  2. You are definitely making progress! I am so happy you are enjoying your "you" time because you're right - those days are soon to be far behind you. Since my son was born, I haven't had ten minutes to myself at a time. But you know what? I STILL love it! I want him with me everywhere I go and I enjoy his company. I know you are going to make one fantastic mother and I can't wait to follow your journey after baby arrives. XO

    1. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You are the best cheerleader a girl could ask for. :)


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