postpartum supplies that I found helpful and/or outright necessary upon getting home from the hospital. Thanks so much to those of you who chimed in on additional "must haves" for the hospital bag -- feel free to leave your suggestions for all your favorite postpartum supplies in the comments section below!
For Mom At Home
- Tylenol and/or Motrin for pain relief (as directed by your doctor)
- Extra absorbent cotton maxi pads
- Granny panties
- Dermoplast spray
- Nursing pads -- I think I've tried every disposable {and some reusable!} brand out there and prefer the Johnson & Johnson brand by far; they are the most absorbent in my opinion and not itchy at all!
- Witch Hazel pads or wipes
- Lanolin ointment or coconut oil -- for use on cracked or sore nipples
- Sitz bath spray -- I loved the Motherlove spray and highly recommend it!
- Peri bottle -- To fill with warm water for washing after using the bathroom; the hospital should provide you with this.
- Nursing tanks or other clothing and pajamas that allow for easy access for breastfeeding (if applicable) -- This is something I totally underestimated... I had no idea how many of these I'd go through a day/week, thanks to getting puked on or leaking issues and not enough time to do laundry.... so get a bunch of these!!! There are some very nice brands out there, but Target and Kohl's both have some very affordable options that you can order online for free delivery, score!
- Donut seat cushion -- Our hospital provided an inflatable one for us to take home!
For Baby At Home
- Diapers and wipes
- Clean onesies, pajamas, swaddle blankets & burp cloths
- Gentle/unscented clothes detergent -- See how your favorite products are rated by the EWG here.
- Lots of love and cuddles!
For Your Home
- Pre-made meals in freezer (or takeout/delivery menus from restaurants) for hungry parents
- Hand soap and hand sanitizer (for guests who wish to hold the baby!)
- Extra toilet paper, paper towels, and tissues
{In case you find it helpful, here is the list in printable format.}
These aren't really supplies, but rather some more just-home-from-the-hospital-postpartum-tips-and-advice I wanted to share:
- Be sure to drink plenty of water and eat healthy meals! While taking care of baby, it's easy to forget to take care of yourself, so put someone else in charge of feeding you for the first few days or weeks if needed since you'll likely be in charge of feeding baby. You might find it helpful to keep a filled water bottle along with some healthy snacks that can be eaten easily with one hand (e.g., dried fruit, nuts, snack bars, etc.) near your feeding station chair to grab during middle-of-the-night feedings and those times when your baby falls asleep in your arms. :)
- It also goes without saying to get as much rest as possible, but that's often easier said than done! Many people advise new moms to sleep when baby sleeps, but I didn't really find that possible. It must've been all that adrenaline running through my system, but I just didn't feel tired though I'm sure physically I was.
- It might see daunting at first, but try to get outside for a walk or some fresh air at least once every day. Don't worry about what your hair looks like, whether or not you've showered, or the fact that you're still in your pajamas from last night -- fresh air does a mind good, and some gentle walking will help blood circulate to your lady parts which can promote faster healing!
- Finally, don't be afraid to set expectations (and recruit your partner to help enforce ground rules if needed!) when it comes to visitors in the early days. While I'd never advise anyone to turn away free homecooked meals or offers to do laundry, it's important that mom gets a lot of quiet time for physical recuperation after getting home from the hospital, and it's important for mom, partner and baby to get some family bonding time too!
Once labor is over, the real fun can begin! Enjoy every moment with your new precious bundle.... the time passes far too quickly!
So tell me..... what did I leave off my list????
Wow, you covered a lot of the bases! I need to go back and re-read the hospital checklist post. It's been ten long years since I delivered a baby and I've forgotten a lot!