Friday, April 24, 2015

48 Weeks Young!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We started Emily's 48th week by sending out her birthday invitations... gulp!  I guess the countdown to ONE has officially begun!!!

The weather finally started to warm up a bit, so last weekend we took Emily to the park.

Something was different about this park visit though..... this time, Emily wore shoes for the first time outside!

She went on the swing and had fun looking at all the big kids running around.  After she was done with the swing, we stood her up the ground.  She wasn't too sure what those “things” attached to her tootsies were though, and didn’t want to take any steps in them!  She might as well have been wearing cement shoes instead of silver ballet slippers.  Those edible biscuit-shaped feet wouldn't budge an inch!

On Sunday, we drove up to visit Shep's mom.  Emily took her very first museum visit, and got to see a bunch of animals, including turtles, fish, rabbits, a snake and a crow.

She also got some playtime in with some aunts and cousins on Shep's mother's side of the family, which was fun.  Emily had loooooooots of energy for all her visitors!

My little Em was a silly goose on Monday!  We spent the day together playing, reading, strolling, making silly faces, laughing and having fun.


All of our shenanigans must have worked up quite an appetite, because after dinner Emily ate some pear, and by the photo below you can see she certainly enjoyed it!  She was squeezing and squashing the pear all over herself, and having a blast, while taking little bites along the way!

Emily is teething -- AGAIN.  Or should I say still?  I'm starting to realize that the first 2 years of life are one long teething process, mixed with some other stuff in between.  ;)  Teething always throws Emily's sleep schedule out of wack, not that it's ever really in tip top shape to begin with.  ;)  I try to put her down for more frequent naps when she's teething or sick, because she doesn't sleep for very long.  Sometimes her discomfort interferes with her ability to fall asleep, but once she's finally sleep, she's a peaceful as a little angel...

"Let her sleep, for when she wakes she will move mountains." - Napoleon Bonaparte
On Tuesday, Daddy got splashed by a truck driving by on the walk to daycare, and Emily thought it was HILARIOUS!!!  I can just picture her cracking up, while he was dripping with rain puddle water.  Bleck!  I'm glad she has such a great sense of humor!  It's either going to come in really handy one day, or get her in a lot of trouble.  ;)

Emily had a great week at daycare!  She took a few really long naps, had fun reading books and playing with her classmates, went on some walks outside in the adorable baby-mobile they have, spent a little bit of time in the older baby room where she'll be moving in May, and spent time with her favorite teacher, Ms. N.  Sadly, Ms. N is moving down South and this was her last week at the center.  Ms. N has been soooooo wonderful with Emily since she started -- spoon feeding her milk when Em wouldn't drink from the bottle or sippy cup, rocking and humming her to sleep for her naps, and just generally being caring and attentive.  Emily LOVES her.  Shep has joked on numerous occasions that Ms. N could kidnap Emily without protest.  When he drops Emily off at daycare in the morning, Emily jumps out of his arms into Ms. N's arms.  That is the kind of thing that makes a mom feel easier about leaving her most precious bundle in someone else's care.  Needless to say, I was crushed on my daughter's behalf to hear that she was leaving.  I tried as best I could to thank Ms. N for all she's done for our family, but I don't know if it's possible to really thank someone adequately for caring for your child.  It was difficult for me to say goodbye this week, and it is going to be sooooo hard for Emily next week, not knowing where Ms. N is -- just that she's not there.  Unfortunately, Emily is too young to understand why Ms. N won't be there like she has been every day for the past few months, and Shep and I are both predicting a tear-filled drop-off week.  I just hope it's not too bad.  :(

Well, that sums up Week 48!  Stay tuned for Emily's 11 month update, yikes!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

47 Weeks Young!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guess who has another tooth in that smiley little mouth of hers!!  Just one day before Emily decided to "officially" become a walker, her right lateral incisor broke through, after what seemed like a verrrrry long wait, for her and for us!  ;)

A new tooth and a new skill in one weekend?!  It was an exciting weekend, for sure!  It's no wonder that with all the excitement, someone had a hard time falling asleep for naps {more than usual} last week!

Emily put her brand new tooth to the test and chomped on some of Daddy’s homemade waffle, sliced pear and some bites of apple!

She also had a fun visit with her godfather Myles and her Great Aunt Barbara, who were here to witness Emily's first "8 step" walk event!

Later in the week, Mommy tried to get adventurous by giving Emily a hard carrot to chomp on.  While I think the gnawing helped her gums, she wasn't a fan of the actual taste...

She's really becoming quite a funny little lady -- such a prankster too!  For example, she helped me "re-organize" the tupperware cabinet this week:

Despite being sleepy and cutting a new tooth, Emily was very happy and squealed with delight throughout most of the week.  Even on rainy, dreary, tired days, her smile lights up the world!!  She really is a little cherub.  Here's one of my faves from this week:

Happy 47 weeks, Em!  xo

Monday, April 13, 2015

Emily the Walker!

Houston, we have lift-off!

Emily has officially walked for the first time!  And the second, and third....  ;)  She's been taking a couple random steps here and there every so often since late February, but until yesterday she hasn't reached the "4 or more consecutive steps at once" arbitrarily threshold we randomly set in order for it to count as walking.  We've been waiting with baited breath, and the time has come!!!

Emily is a walker!

To add to the excitement, Little Miss had an audience for her first 8-step walk!  Emily's great aunt, godfather and grandma were all here when she did it.  Ironically, her Daddy was right next to Emily when she walked for the first time, but he didn't quite see it since he was "resting his eyes" {a.k.a. Sunday snoozing on the couch!} when she decided to go for it.  Unfortunately for Shep, his nap was cut short when I yelped with excitement and poked him after witnessing my once-itty-bitty casually stroll toward the couch.  Ahhhh, I'm never going to let him live that one down!

Of course we then spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get her to repeat her performance, with limited success.  I did manage to catch a few steps on camera though!  Don't let the wardrobe change fool you -- this was in fact the same day.  ;)

P.S. -- I'd like to brag point out that when Shep and I discussed this milestone several months ago, I predicted that she would walk by her 11 month birthday.  Bingo!!!!  And with 10 days to spare.  ;)  Lucky guess or mother's intuition??  ;)

Sunday, April 12, 2015


It's amazing how much can change in a year! This time last year we were wondering who the little person was hiding beneath my baby bump.... boy or girl?  Eye color, hair color, size, when we would get the chance to meet....?  Now we can't imagine our lives without Emily in it!!!  Soooooo worth the wait.  :)

Saturday, April 11, 2015

46 Weeks Young!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How big is Emily??  Sooooooooo big!

Seriously, where did my infant go??  This child is looking and acting more and more like a "big kid" every day, and I'm not sure I like it!  ;)

Speaking of, someone went on the "big kid swings" for the first time this past week while we were away for Easter and LOVED it!!!!!

Pure. Joy.  Mommy & Daddy had to get in on the fun too!

We also got to spend time with my grandma, Emily's GREAT grandma, and had so much fun!!

Four Generations:

We had a great visit with family, and made it home safely, albeit a day late.  Our original flight was cancelled so we got a bonus day!  We took advantage of the additional day by taking Emily to see the beach and ocean for the first time in her life!  It was pretty chilly, around 63 degrees and windy, so we didn't stay long -- just long enough to stroll the boardwalk, so she could see the ocean and sand, and of course take some awesome blooper photos:

We almost didn't make it to the beach because of course Emily decided it would be the perfect time to take a super long nap, which she never does, right when we had planned to go.  She took a 30 minute nap {her usual}, woke up and then immediately fell back asleep {highly unusual}, for another HOUR! {unheard of!}.  This kid sure likes to keep us on our toes.  ;)

This week Emily ate for the first time:  chewy pizza crust {liked}, fresh ham {hated} and hard boiled egg {ambivalent about the white part, but gagged on the yolk}.  Let's just say the pizza crust was the only food that actually stayed down...

We had a wonderful Easter, and an overall great trip {despite the flight delays & cancellation, and nap strike....} this week!  I'm going to do a separate post all about Easter because there are just too many cute pics to share, so stay tuned!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

45 Weeks Young!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Someone's cold just does not want to go away!  Emily got lots of quality time with her nebulizer this week.... I hope this thing scrams soon, especially since spring has finally arrived!

Since we've had lots of empty tissue boxes hanging around, I decided to make use of one of them!  I stuck a bunch of Emily's little blocks and smaller toys inside one, and she got a real big kick out of it!

Emily had her first dentist visit, and came home with a goody bag!

According to the dentist, infants should start brushing their teeth twice a day as soon as they get their first tooth.  Contrary to prior thoughts on the subject, toothpaste can in fact be used with infants even before they can spit it out, but you should only use a tiny bit equivalent to the size of a grain of rice.  I think we're going to stick to water for now, since Emily still isn't even a year old yet and a grain of rice seems a bit difficult to squeeze out from a tube!  She thinks brushing her teeth is hysterical.  She also thinks it's soooooo funny when we are brushing our teeth!  Who knew dental hygiene was so comical?!

To celebrate her first dentist visit, we went out for brunch!

Emily might have purposely waved for the first time!  She frequently does the waving motion, but it's usually at random times throughout the day, and not addressed at anybody in particular.  She was holding her hand up again like she was saying “hey”, but then flexed and bent her knuckles like a wave motion.  Sooooo fun!

Emily is now pretty much a standing machine, and she takes numerous steps every day.  It's only a matter of time before she's actually stepping-to-get-from-here-to-there, also known as walking!!!


She is fascinated this week with sticking her tongue out between her lips, like so:

And has the cutest new little face, where she crinkles her nose a bit and breathes fast through it while smirking.  Such a cutie patootie!

Her favorite pastimes this week included "reading" and "gardening"!


And the most exciting thing happened on Thursday, Emily's 45 week birthday..... Emily's first flight!! We flew down to Virginia to visit my grandmother and other relatives for Easter.  Despite a 2+ hour delay, and severe lack of naps, Emily was a champ!  She was so excited on the plane, and didn’t cry at all (except when Shep accidentally poked her in the eye, but that was over quickly)!  She did soooooo much better than I expected -- brave little girl!

We were even able to get a smile out of her for a family selfie when we landed!

In other "firsts", Emily met a dog up close for the first time, once we arrived at our destination!  She was a bit scared, but also intrigued.  Before the weekend was over, Emily was chasing Jessie around.  That's my girl!  ;)

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter

From our family to yours, Happy Easter!!! 

Emily had lots of fun today!  Daddy dressed her up like a bunny after her nap, which was certainly a surprise.  We were all cracking up when they came down the stairs.  She got lots of goodies in her Easter baskets, and had a fun day playing!


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